Our Connected

Our Connected

Achievable With A High-Speed Fiber Optic Infrastructure

Let’s create the infrastructure to improve the quality of life for all in American Fork

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Imagine How
Enriched & Connected

Our Future Can Be

Technology improves the quality of life where it’s placed. Advanced technology strengthens the local economy and gives a better Internet value for those who live in the communities which are technology driven.

American Fork wants these opportunities for the citizens of our community.

For a better quality of life, contact your city council members and tell them you want LightHub fiber in American Fork. Tell them that having faster Internet isn’t just about using the Internet. It’s about a better quality of life, the ability to work from home and having reliable Internet in all locations of the city, not just the populated areas. Let them know you want fiber infrastructure to secure our future.

Contact Your City Council Members Today!

Encourage them to vote ‘yes’ for this project. 


Big businesses look to base their operations in “technology-oriented” cities. A community network would decidedly entice technology companies to settle in American Fork. These businesses would need employees to fill high paying technology jobs such as information research, software applications developer and database administration.

The capacity for growing a variety of technology and gaining high quality jobs would follow the footprint of fiber and provide remarkable economic benefits to our community. We can make American Fork a “SMART” city by using Solution Marked Accessible and Reliable Technology to move our city forward and propel American Fork to the forefront of Silicon Slopes innovation.

Quality of Life
Upgraded & Improved

Your child comes home and has multiple assignments, which need to be completed on the Internet. You are working with him, but slow Internet service is making homework and online research frustrating. Surfing the web takes longer than expected and your child doesn’t finish their homework in a timely manner. And maybe this forces you to leave the comfort of your home to venture out to the library to use a faster connection.

Now Picture This:

With Gigabit connectivity, your student flies through the Internet at lightning speed! Whoosh! Homework is finished and you see your child completing math practice, language acquisition, and writing assignments online with confidence!

Job searching and the ability to work from home are now a reality. With high-speed Internet access, the world is at your fingertips! No more waiting for websites to load or not being able to access websites because of slow Internet. Enhance your life with faster, more reliable Internet. Start a new business or find a recipe at click of your mouse with Gigabit Internet!

Enjoy the Freedom
to Work from Home

So many people dream of writing their first book, starting their own business or having a side hustle. With slow Internet, these aspirations will remain dreams as working online is slow, tedious and frustrating. Deadlines are hard to meet and the amount of time to work on projects is drawn out.

With fast and accessible Internet, you have the freedom to achieve your dreams with the ability to quickly access the web for business transactions and video conferences. Think of the many possibilities and economic benefits you would achieve with faster, more reliable Internet.

Owned & Operated

Community-owned Internet is a community focused Internet. Live with freedom across the city, with an Internet that is accessible by all. Whether you are in a densely populated area of American Fork or the rural outskirts, the same, open-access Internet is available for all!

Locally owned and operated fiber Internet is dollars that stay in our town! Your network will be a state-of-the-art network for our community.

Many savvy cities across the U.S. have discovered that community operated Internet is the solution for faster, high-speed, quality fiber to connect our citizens, community, and businesses to each other and the world. This city project and initiative will boost the quality of life and increase economic income for residents in every corner of American Fork.

We want to
hear from you!

Contact us about these plans for a brighter American Fork Future with high speed connectivity.

Name and email are required fields, address is optional 

Contact Your City Council Members Today!

Encourage them to vote ‘yes’ for this project.